How Aperidata and Inbest Work Together to Reduce Unclaimed Benefits in the UK

How Aperidata and Inbest Work Together to Reduce Unclaimed Benefits in the UK In the UK there are over 8mn households missing £19bn in benefits. The most common reason why people miss their benefits is that they are unaware of the benefits they are entitled to or assume that they are not eligible. Aperidata provides […]

We have achieved full accessibility compliance

We have achieved full accessibility compliance We are excited to announce that our benefits calculator has achieved full compliance with the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, Conformance Level AAA. This represents the highest level of accessibility standards and is a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to making our application accessible and inclusive […]

Open-source Framework for Council Tax Reduction

Open-source Framework for Council Tax Reduction Council Tax Reduction (CTR) schemes for working adults in England are determined by individual Local Authorities (LAs). The nature of these schemes varies widely, making them appear opaque and challenging to compare, especially in terms of eligibility and the level of support. Moreover, as LAs reassess their schemes annually, […]

A New Feature Set for Benefits Monitoring

A New Feature Set for Benefits Monitoring The most common question we receive from our partners is, ‘What additional benefits are my customers receiving after using the benefits calculator?’ In response to this, we are thrilled to launch a new feature set for benefits monitoring. This allows our partners to directly monitor the additional benefits […]

Expanding our benefits coverage with Retrofitting Grants

Expanding our benefits coverage withRetrofitting Grants In a world where the emphasis on sustainability and efficiency in homes has never been greater, retrofitting grants stand out as essential financial support for many homeowners across the country. These grants provide vital funding for home improvements like enhanced insulation, boiler replacements, and other energy-saving upgrades. However, as […]

Expanding our coverage to Discretionary Support Schemes

Expanding our coverage to Discretionary Support Schemes Discretionary Support Schemes are crucial in providing timely support to those in need, but their increasing number is adding complexity to the welfare system, making it harder for people to access the support for which they are eligible. We are expanding our benefits calculator to include the Discretionary […]

Streamline Welfare and Debt Advice with our Salesforce Integration

Streamline Welfare and Debt Advice with our Salesforce Integration We are excited to announce that our benefits calculator is now available as an “out of the box” feature in Salesforce. This integration brings income maximisation features to Salesforce, eliminating the need to maintain and move customer data across multiple systems. It frees up welfare and […]

Income maximisation in the MaPS Debt Support tool

Income maximisation in the MaPS Debt Support tool We are excited to announce that we’ve integrated our benefits calculator into the MaPS Debt Support tool to make income maximisation an integral part of the debt advice service. MaPS Debt Support tool is an open-source application designed to help debt advice agencies digitise and streamline their […]

Maximising Income with CU Apps: Benefits Calculator for Credit Unions

Benefits Calculator for Credit Unions’ Mobile Apps We are delighted to announce that CU Apps has integrated our benefits calculator into its expert mobile apps and chatbots. This new feature allows credit unions and affordable lenders who use CU Apps’ front-end technology to easily add income maximisation features to their digital platforms. We are starting […]

Proactive and personalised nudges

Proactive and personalised nudges The welfare industry is working tirelessly to make people aware of the benefits they are eligible for and putting the infamous £16bn/year in unclaimed benefits into people’s pockets. However, being aware of the benefits you might be eligible for is just the first step of a long journey, and people still […]